hey tengs 4 watching my blog..hope u enjoy it love u muuaacchh xoxo :D

Jumaat, 5 Ogos 2011

I'll be RiGhT NexT To You

expr:id='"post-body-" + data:post.id'>
Hari niy dye on9...suke2 haha
Dye pon ader kat kL gak skrg niy
Aq tunggu dye on9 smalm tp xde...
Smpai nenek aq da bising asyk on9 jep..huhuu
Erm law la ley jmpe dye..mesty seronok...
Lame xjumpe dye....
Xtau nk luah cmner betape aq syg dye sgt2

Hurm td aq chat ngan dye...
Wlaupon dye wat xlyan jep tp aq ttap happy
Happy coz dye eply chat aq....
Suke sgt bile bce blog dye...
erm favourite dish dye lala upenyer..
Ermm suke arhh dgar lgu NEXT TO YOU...
sweet kan...pape pon 
Law boley aq nak sgt2 berada disisi dye wlau ape trjd skalipon..

Thanks for reading :)

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